Saturday, December 10, 2005

My Theory of Groups Larger Than Two

Groups larger than two. Almost all things that go wrong in the world can be blamed on the dynamics that occur in groups which are larger than two.
It does not matter what is present in the constituency of a group larger than two: great intellect, strong organizational skills, pure logic, lots of money, sexual all disappears as soon as the group is larger than two people. People in a group larger than two people stand in doorways. They forget what they ordered. They can't read signs. They do not see that the world is going on around them. All people in a group larger than two are instantly diminished to clueless morons who don't know shit from shinola.
Even when I am in a group larger than two, this happens to me. I swear to god I'll fail to use my turn signals, ask the waitress what is in the wine, and sign my name to things I haven't read! Congress: a group larger than two. The last staff meeting you went to: larger than two. The news? Made by people in a group larger than two. How many people are in YOUR group??!!


Sam Artman said...

I am a group of one. Being as such, my superior intellect, loads of money, piercing logic, rockin' orginizational skills, and dreamy sexual prowess are concentrated to the point of being greater than the gravitational force of the Sun. People are at once attracted and repelled by the force of my group-of-one-ness.

Shawn said...

Ah yes, its been toooo long since you expounded upon your theories. We need more! Working at a place that is quickly moving towards a group smaller than two, but in the interim is a group much larger than two, I can say that this theory really holds sway.

The reason I think this happens is:
1) A group of one, demands that the one be the leader and make all the decisions.
2) A group of two is more dynamic, often one person will have more leader-like tendency, or a simple democracy is comfortably setup. Two opinions lead to one to two possible outcomes. Usually one action as one of the two agrees with other's idea.
3) Groups larger than two leads towards chaos as there are too much input from the group and no one in particular has to be accountable. The larger the group, the less accountabilty per person.
4) I could be full of crap...

-PA (Punkass)
p.s. read my blog! (not that its intersting or anything... but still).

evil cake lady said...

I dunno, I'm a group oriented person...I know that groups larger than two take forever to make decisions--if decisions are made at all--and that a lot of extaneous information gets shared, and that you are required to sometimes sacrifice your personal agenda/ego/issues in order for the group to continue to function, and that you can become a mindless, choatic mass of uselessness, but still.

In groups larger than two (that are committed to making the group work, I should add) you get to:

a] share tasks and/or use people according to their strengths
b] share your life
c] work for something bigger than your personal agenda/ego/issue which can feel nice
d] get a lot more done (again, I stress everyone has to be committed to making a group work)
e] I think you can get more accountability in a large functioning group, because the group is depending on you to hold your weight, and in terms of a group that is more social or even spiritual in nature, when one person in the group has issues, the whole group deals with it. So it is possible that the individual in such a functioning group can learn about appropriate expression of their ideas, feelings, issues, ego, agenda, etc.
f] and let's face it kids, we as human beings tend to have a strong desire to associate ourselves with a pack or pod; we just sort of natually want to feel like we belong to something or someone, and being part of a functinog group can satisfy that need.

Anyhoo, I have been a part of groups that have SUCKED and I am a part of a couple of groups that rock...I think that our culture is about the individual, the party of one, and the downfall of that is you don't have to be accountable to anyone about anything, and you don't have to learn (nor value) compromise. In a party of two you can start to learn those things, but in a group of more than two you really have to learn to do these things, as well as how to put yourself in perspective, and how to get along (not just tolerate) with people you may not have chosen to associate with on your own. But those people can be the ones you learn the most from.

Well, there you have it. My rambling comment; thanks Zetta for letting me spew.

zetta said...

wow ECL. Way to get down.
Still, groups larger than two are right now clogging up a doorway I probably want to get through.