Friday, December 09, 2005

My Racing Mind

This is another multipurpose post, people. The way things have been going on this blog, I know I am asking for it, but here goes:
One: I have a bit of the schadenfreude going on with regards to the legal troubles of certain members of the GOP. Tom Delay should shut up and just go to jail.
Two: Who doesn't need to make more money??
Three: I feel sorry about what it does to my mother that my sister and I are totally estranged. However I did call her several months ago with an olive branch, and she hasn't made any overtures in kind. I suspect she is "too busy".
Four: Because certain people have raining in their houses this week, yay for sun!
Five: I have had a headache since Monday.


Shawn said...

Well Hey, Since I'm on mostly good behavior, things won't get too out of hand. I like this post a lot... it sounds something I'd post, so of course I'd like it.

1) As for the GOP, there needs to be a big shake down within, purge the neo-cons (or neo-coms?). The crap that Bush & crew have pulled should warrant a trial of the Nurenburg variety. You, I was actually a Republican for about 4 years while I was in the Military!!! Can you believe that. Not that I'm a Democrat now. After all, what's so conservative about racism, and what's Liberal about stupidity? (A Quote from Fred Dube).

2) Tell me about it!!!!
3) I'm sorry to hear that! I thought things were better after she left el creepo husband?
4) Me too!!! Beer helped mine. Tension mostly.


zetta said...

I think my h/a is due to a preponderance of chiropractic.

evil cake lady said...

schadenfreude, huh. that's a big foreign word there missy.

Shawn said...

For those who aren't fluent in German here's some translations from German to English of the word (and its root): Schadenfreude.

Die Schadenfreiheitsklasse: Full coverage classification (not quite)
Schadenfreude verspĆ¼ren = To laugh on the other side of one's face sounds painful, but maybe...
Der Schadenfreiheitsrabatt = No-warranty discount interesting, but no...

However, these definitions are more likely to correspond to Z's intent...
Die Schadenfreude = Malicious Joy
Die Schadenfreude = Malicious Pleasure.
Die Schadenfreude = Gloat

I too, feel some Schadenfreude about those Bush Bozos....

zetta said...

nice commenting work, punkass!