Sunday, December 11, 2005

In Which a Group Larger Than Two Defies The Odds

This is the story about a group larger than two people. It is four people. It is a group that I am thankful for just about every day, and a group of which I am so proud to be a part. One day about a year and a half ago I became fed up with my work situation and decided to strike out on my own and start a new clinic....somehow. Immediately I drafted someone who was nearby, and she was game. A space was discovered on the internet. It was more money than the two of us cared to afford, so I called up two other people--people I barely knew, but I thought what the hell. A week later we were all filling out an application to lease the space on the hood of one of our cars in the parking lot of what would become our new workspace. A week after that we were signing a lease on the grass at a hippie party on Jerry Garcia's birthday. We had made some declarations: that all would be equal. That it would be fun...whatever it was. That we would manage conflict kindly. And that was that. Suddenly we had a space that was Less Than Ideal in so many ways, but so wonderful in other ways. We tried things. We threw some things away. We laughed. Alot. Our "articles of organization" were hastily scrawled on the fly while sitting on the floor of the bank one day when we opened our bank account. People helped us. We bought stuff. We made mistakes. We got excited. We got let down. We got irritated. We painted. We threw parties! Well attended, kick ass parties! We wrote articles. We signed papers. And yesterday, we chose, again, to hurl ourselves into unknown avenues, expand our workspace, spend more money, and sign more papers.
Inside of this group, I have never felt so safe exploring fear, success, ineptitude, entrepreneurishness, and what is my genuine love for other human beings. I have accomplished some things I would have elected not to try otherwise because of this beautiful group, which is larger than two. This group loves me. This group is interested in my success. This group counts on me and holds me responsible. This group forgives me for being short tempered and chickenshit. This group functions beautifully. It made a beautiful place--a place where healing is possible, where hope is sustained, where magic is always present, and a place I love to go to.


Anonymous said...

What a great bunch of Punkins! Hurray for your group larger than two, and for all of you being courageous in your adventure.

Shawn said...

With the quality of the people involved how could it not succeed? I never actually been there in clinic mode, just for the incredibly tasteful open house(s).

p.s. I got new neighbors, I got new neighbors!!!!!!

evil cake lady said...

My dearest chupacabra,

No one could have done a better job eloquently expressing what I feel in my heart about our little group of four (and a half, if you include the babe).

I read this right after I checked my email and felt myself drowning in a sea of punkin bills current and thanks for the perpective. We are taking another big leap of faith, but I believe in us and our little clinic, so with this jump I say WOOOHOO! I wouldn't have wanted to do this with anyone else besides the 4.5 of us.