Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ow with the legs

IMG_5945, originally uploaded by hellozetta.
This morning we rode gondolas and lifts to nearly the very top of Whistler. Down here in the village we have been socked in all week and rainy. The middle of the mountain is a zero-visibility fogparty. But the top, the top is a sun-dazzling dream. I was skiing well until we got to the fogged in areas, where there was steep and no way to see where you might be going. Could be off a cliff, or maybe clear over the edge of the world, where there are monsters waiting to eat your kidneys like little tapas. I didn't cry, but there may have been a little stretch of steep fog that got to me.
Also, my legs are ruined and started burning when I bent over to adjust my boots before I even got on a downward slope. VBM is more patient and mysterious than Dumbledore. I did get passed by a small group of black diamond munchkins. I shook my fists at them. I do not get how little kids can bend over backwards and wave their arms in the air while careening down a vertical slope while I have to get my weight forward, lean down the hill, weight the ski, relax, breathe, and stay forward all fucking day long.

1 comment:

Voix said...

My legs hurt for you.