Ultra wide, baby.
What does Zetta do when blessed with the (rather substantial) windfall that was her change jar?
Does she pay bills, because she has a lot of them, and she is missing a week of work this month? Does she buy groceries? No. She buys a hunk of glass, that is what she does.
This glass cannot do its ultimate job while being screwed onto the body of Zetta's current camera. So Zetta is considering a wee upgrade. Meanwhile, look forward to creepy churches, far out distortion, and maybe sometime this year, some crazy fisheye action.
Please commission Zetta for photos so she can continue to declare certain tax deductions, yall.
Yay, Zetta! Look for my commission as soon as that cash angel comes thru.
Awesome picture!
Our cameras are not full frame. They have a 1.6 mm conversion factor, rendering our lenses not quite what they really are. I am thinking on an upgrade, (camera body) Althea, but I may have to sell drugs to get it done. I'm not above it or anything.
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