Friday, November 02, 2007

All About Me

Today was one of those good bittersweet kinds of days: perfect sunny autumn weather.
My work day: pretty cool. I went down to see my chiropractor friend and got some bodywork, without an appointment. On my way into his office, I waved at my haircutter, who is, crazy shit here, someone I went to highschool with, a half a continent away. I got a hug and a kiss from Doctor Smartypants, the Missing Business Partner, whom I almost never see. Cooper and I went for a swell little walk, and we rustled through piles of bright yellow and orange leaves. The sky was very blue. I missed my grandmother. When I came back to work, one of my patients told me that as much as she likes acupuncture ,(she really does, too. She won't miss a week, ever, and it is purely for relaxation) she really likes talking to me, because she thinks I have something special to add to the world, and something special to say about it. My not-so sure new patient with the hurting knees came in feeling alot of pain, and left with a smile on his face. I get to spend the weekend with VBM, who loves me despite my moods and my road rage and everything else that is wrong with me. Next weekend? The Friend I've Had The Longest is coming for a visit. I'm here, I'm established, I'm happy. I'm still melancholy sometimes. *sigh*

1 comment:

Voix said...

Melancholy is one of those things you have to tame and learn to love.

Have a wonderful visit with your friend.