Monday, October 29, 2007



Anonymous said...

...yes it is fer dogs everything's fer dogs i wanna eat it yes it is food you have it and you're holding it like you might give it to me so i can haz it? can i? can i? give it to me! give it to me! gimme! gimme! look how good i am i'm sitting like a good boy i'll lie down if i lie down can i haz it? is it gleen bean? is it steaky bits? i'l do anything for steaky bits maybe if i bark you'll give it to me WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF yay you're barking too! but it doesn't sound like woof it sounds more like shut up but i barked so you must be barking too WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF can i haz it?

Anonymous said...

Pretty boy. Yes, yoo can haz anything I gots!

Anonymous said...

Not only can you haz what I got, but you can haz more!

What a face!