Every day I take Loki for a walk/jog. We wog all over the neighborhood, stopping briefly here and there to photograph or smell things. I always bring my iPod, because I am constantly listening to newfound podcasts, like Hometown Tales and Mysterious Universe, having exhausted all the episodes of the Paranormal Podcast.
Yesterday we started our wog and I pulled out my iPod and hit the play button and...nothing happened. This was disconcerting because I was excited about my new podcasts. I hit the button again, and...silence. I turned the thing off and then on again. I checked the battery charge. I got panicky, thinking I may have to...return it or something, like my friend Christy did after she washed hers in a pair of jeans. She took it back to the store and said "I don't know why, it just doesn't work!" and they gave her a whole new one to wash. But then I couldn't even remember where I got it, was it Mac Force or maybe the huge box store with the red circle? And Loki is pulling on her leash and cars are whizzing past and man! It is windy. Where did I get this iPod again? I do want a new nano. I'm sure I kept the receipt. NOT.
We started across the street, and I kept pushing the play button and seeing the green light come on but no sound. And then I saw what the problem was.
My headphones were still in my pocket.
damn woman, that's old lady syndrome at work!
I've got nothing for that except sugary tears of pure amusement.
Ouch. Weather like this numbs the brain...
NICE! Thanks for fessing up - I needed a good laugh at someone, I mean with someone :-)
oh, funny.
i'm the queen of spending a half hour looking for my keys when the keys are, in fact, somewhere on my person--sweater pocket, jeans, jacket, purse, IN MY HAND. i'm a genius.
I once lost my glasses. They were ON MY FACE.
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