Tuesday, February 05, 2008

It takes a real man

Recently at our house there have been one or two brief conversations about Matt Damon, mostly because of this hilarious video. For instance, out of the blue, VBM might say, "Matt Damon sings about as well as I do," or "Matt Damon is a really cool guy. I bet we would be friends."
He's watched all the Jason Bourne movies. This morning, after I admitted to having the song from the video playing in my head, VBM mused over Matt Damon yet again. he glowed a little.
"VBM, " I said, " I know you have a crush on Matt Damon." VBM tucked in his shirt and agreed.
"Yeah, I have a mancrush on Matt Damon. What's wrong with that?"


evil cake lady said...

that video was awesome.

Anonymous said...

If you read this (come on who doesn't google themselves) - call me. We'll hange out.

Anonymous said...


Althea Rocks said...

My perception of Matt Damon has been altered for ever.