Saturday, April 15, 2006

I am a lame blogger.

Hey ya'll! I am profoundly apologetic for having been largely absent from my blog as of late.
I feel creatively...fallow.

I have been decidedly aghast at the latest snafu to come bubbling up from the depths of the quagmire of a PR nightmare the Portland Police Department is all caught up in, for the seventh year in a row. For one thing, all the papers here are printing EMAILS (dirty ones, by the way) that he wrote to this woman. Here I am blogging about how people should note that as soon as you write something down, it can incriminate you forever. Ahem. My little rants not withstanding. Right.

It seems like there is no end to corrupt leadership in this country, everywhere you look.
I have to wonder if this is a case of the more things change, the more they stay the same, or if we really are hurtling madly towards Armageddon.

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