Tuesday, February 28, 2006

No eye deer

Where does all the money go?
Why are people so mad all the time?
Why don't they stop at crosswalks?
Why is the most transparently corrupt administration in history still running the show?
Why are human beings so cruel when they have the potential of being so peaceful?
Paper? Or plastic?
Why is there so much money in hell?
Why do people who love eachother get mad and end up filled with regret?
Why doesn't the gubmint just release all that Roswell stuff, anyways?
Why are Macs so much better than PCs?
Why is every giant tragedy really avoidable?
Why are human beings so fucking lazy?
And rude?
Why is Marlena convinced that Alex North is her true love, when he is really trying to kill her?
What is this war really about?
What points should I use for knuckly bi?
What was really going on between Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedys?
And who shot JFK? *


Anonymous said...

The answer to most of your questions is.....

Wait for it......

Drum roll please.....

Because not enough people are willing to BE RESPONSIBLE - it is much easier to point the finger at others than at oneself. It's really that simple (in my humble opinion). And I am no different than anyone else in that respect, so I'm not being self-righteous aobut it.

Sam Artman said...


I might add that our society is dangerously lacking in any measure of simplicity. Voluntary simplicity and responsibility working in tandem make for less questions as such.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jimmy... I loved your JC blog! Wish you allowed non-blogger comments on yours, or I'd have told you there. Excellent work!

Shawn said...

GL, totally! you nailed it. I would also add the sinister plot hatched by Merv Griffin and Marlon Perkins might also be a part of it all. Not that I'm blaming anyone....

Anonymous said...

I never did trust that Merv guy. Who calls themself "Merv" anyway?

Shawn said...

Exactly. Your genius is something that we can all bask in...

Sam Artman said...

Shit. Sorry GL. I didn't know that you couldn't comment on my blog. S'all fixed now. So, comment away!

Anonymous said...
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