My drama-free lifestyle is being threatened by a few things this week:
Winter storms that may necessitate chaining up on my way to work tomorrow.
(note to self: no skirts!)
The creeping feeling I get when I think about all the violence that happens because of something that can never be proven. Faith in all its beauty is like most things, just as easily used for evil as it is for good. Right now, there is nary a balance to be had.
Valentines Day. Here is another opportunity for brain-wracking over a gift for the VBM. He is the World's Most Difficult Person To Shop For.
I have some contracts to burn. I don't do deals with people who can't stop being mad, witholding, and stonewalling, and then blame me for it. This includes family.
This nagging question: what is the biological basis for Hall and Oates songs playing over and over again in my head?
Little known brain chemical called "hallanoatsitonin".
Compression of the posterior pituitary? Not to feel bad, tho... Barry Manilow is usually followed by seizures.
Yes... hehe... its a Gluten Sensitivity... hahahaha
I thought it all stems from represed sexual desires?
hall and oates?
i need a shrink.
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