My business happens to have a goddamn bus stop right out in front of it. Out Front, bus patrons think that my front stoop is a good place to:
smoke cigarettes
have shouting matches
make greasy face prints on my windows
rattle the door knob
stare inside
use my rug as a seat
drink coffee (leave the cup)
read the paper (leave the paper)
give the old shiteye to incoming patients.
drink OE 40s. Sometimes PBR pounders in cans.
Some trash I have seen in the bus stop:
a million cigarette butts
beer cans
coffee cups
fast food bags
kitchen tools
dog poop
chicken bones
Internet, why are people at the bus stop so messy, loud, and rude?
*ten points if you get the reference.
ten points for Cottini!
Okay, well here goes my 12 hours of good behavior (perhaps). Among some (but not all) of the bus riders there is a Lack of Consciousness and Awareness of anything other than themselves. The mere concept that they might be making people uncomfortable by their behaviour never crosses their minds. Just think of that person who sits in front of the bus and talks to the bus driver about their rectal abcesses.
This is just the tip of the iceberg...
. . .noooo. They're just mad because they have to take the bus, so they take it out on you. That still doesn't make it okay, though. psnd1969 says it best.
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