Because he is very bad, but in a good way.
He has an evil sense of humor, well concealed behind his clean-cut dorkstyle.
He can do math.
He has explained to me how fiberoptic cable works, but I forgot.
He drives a pickup.
He has tools! Rawrrrr.
He listens to NPR as much as I do.
His voice. Is so. Nice.
Excel spreadsheets.
He built a website for the business that is not only mine but which also belongs to people he doesn't know that well.
He folds all the laundry.
He is who I turn to when I do not know something and want to find out about it.
Well okay except for Google.
He can do anything.
That doesn't mean he will do anything.
He knows how to say I'm Sorry.
He makes lists so he won't forget things.
This weekend he washed the dog all by hisself when I didn't want to help.
But I cleaned the bathroom.
And he has a hairy chest!!!
How hairy is hairy?
When do you begin the advice column section of your blog?
You know that's what you wanna do.
My knew theory is that people are sick from not doing what they want.
It's a general theory.
A fair theory, I suppose. I've seen such sickness in action.
The advice column would be wonderful, a perfect way to spread the chaos!
That is my old theory.
My current theory is that they are sick from not being who they are.
If yall want an advice column, write in with questions and they will be answered!
How hairy is hairy?
and i'm sure we'd all like to hear more about the dog. please.
Here's your first question: I'm almost 30 and about to get my first real job. How can I maintain my sexy, lithe, and dangerous mystique?
Now that's a love story if I've ever heard one!
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